Dear Lovers of Humanity,
Would you like to imagine - a smooth, raised, pearly bump on the sun-exposed skin of the head, neck, and shoulders, sometimes visible small blood vessels within the tumor or a red thickened patch with ulceration & bleeding on the skin, occurred due to overexposure of ultraviolet (UV) radiation especially between 0900 am to 0400 pm when the sun is highest in the sky - a skin cancer on the body of your grandson or the grandson of your grandson, ultimately part of your own genes? If yes, please stop reading this write-up immediately.
Many of you would not like to, especially those accumulating huge wealth for their generations to come over. Yes, I am talking about protecting generation of human beings from the deadly UV rays emanating from the sun and is a major cause of life on earth. Our earth is being protected by blocking the harmful UV rays of the sun by the OZONE layer, just 55- 65 kms above your own height. And every decade 4% of the layer is being depleted, so imagine what would happen just after 100yrs from today i.e, expecting the life period of your newly born son and his son. Your immediate generation will be affected by skin cancer, if you do not take measures to protect this layer now. CFC - Chloro Fluoro Carbon (a chlorine atom) - is used in the ACs, Refrigerators, Cleansing solvents, Fire extinguishers etc, responsible for the depletion. According to research one chlorine atom is enough to destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules. In other words, we need to change our lifestyle, as we are also contributing in developing this hole in the Ozone layer.
16th September is proclaimed as International Ozone Day, which is not enough to increase awareness, activity & educate mass public. Therefore, it becomes our burning responsibility to increase awareness about this environmental damage through - normal conversation in our family or social gathering, satisfying inquisitiveness of small children, associating with an NGO or UN environmental programs, planting trees as much as possible in the residential colonies in consultation with municipal corporations, purchasing cheapest lands in a far surrounding and cultivate a mini forest, organizing lecture schedules in almost all schools & colleges of your town, create a local association in your area to promote & help in this regard by appealing small orgnaizations & individuals with most nominal registration charges & spending the amount honestly in developing a greenhouse effect, appealing factories not to use ozone depleting chemicals directly as well as with the help of media, developing an environment friendly lifestyle by not using such products & finding alternatives and above all devote time & initiation and motivate your referrals also to promote this idea of SAVING EARTH.
Now, the problem is that who shall take initiative & time, and the solution is to start from your own family, then neighbours, the organization with which you are affiliated directly or indirectly, and then off course the residential society in which you and your generation will be living.
Don't get excited with large goals, remember - SMALL DROPS MAKE AN OCEAN.
Thanks for patient reading as well as understanding the seriousness of concern.
Jodhpur, Rajasthan