Dear Readers

According to recent news reports on different electronic channels, India is today in a situation when the land would be asking for credit clearances very soon from all the youngster Indians. World has accumulated approx. 23000 atom bombs and many nuclear bombs and out of which approx. 5000 are ready to shoot at any time by any nation on any nation, despite of the HIROHSIMA atom bomb attack aftermath fact. Japan is still in the process of recovering its economy. Can you imagine aftermath of just one atom bomb attack on our country? India has been continously threatened by its neighbouring nations by illegal & immoral intruisions such as from China on Mt Gaya and recent bomb attacks 2kms inside the Punjab border. USA has changed its perception in treating all the other nations after 9/11 attack on WTC and do not trust any foreign visitor especially muslims (as the case with SRK). USA will continue to hold its passion to be superpower of the world in future. What has happened to the NPT, when proliferation is increasing at such a fast pace? Where has the impact of humanity & peace theories gone?
Where does India stand now?
Pakistan has lost its rational mind and China cannot be trusted so far. Who will care to defend this shining India? Nothing will happen by being just momentual emotionalism, by watching RANG DE BASANTI, by reciting patriotic poems and even by just reading this article. Do we realise anymore of Lal Bahadur Shastri or Sardar Patel in our political scenario? Shall we wait for political leaders appeal as a wake-up call especially when they seems to be fighting to travel in business class instead of economy class in an airflight?
Mother India will be calling us very soon, we need to defend our defence force.
Then what to do and how? Who will guide us? Time has come to turn our emotions into concrete actions.We must learn to take initiations and become more independent & responsible towards our nation. And this is possible in our own limitations only.
We must strengthen our physique first (by regular exercise from today itself), then emotional determination (by being wholeheartedly prepared to serve the nation in times of casualities and help the defence and public administration bodies), and off course financially (by saving a small fraction from our pocket money to be donated in PM's Fund whenever asked for).
Again, can it be practically possible? Do we have enough patriotic determination to develop solutions before the problem arises? How many of us are willing to do this and how many wants to throw this responsibility on others shoulders? You might perceive it as an appeal or a request or a warning or even a publicity stunt. Its your choice, but if you feel an honest content in it, do comment and pass it among all your contacts. And believe me, if we will take initiation by one step, GOD will initiate for us by hundreds more. Please dont depend totally on GOD in times of casualities & harsh problems.
Hope I am conversing with YOUNG INDIA - lovers of God and Humanity.
Thanks for patient reading and developing a determination for some action now.
Raghvendra, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
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